Google Shuts Down Our Previous Blog

Welcome to our New... Dark Blog. Yes that's Right, Dark Blog!
After many years of using a Blog (from Google), Google shut us down for content infraction, but they will not say what it was. So with that kind of "freedom kill" attitude and control, we have totally walked away from anything Google. In fact, we are now going to make this transparent on a non-Google platform, because Google algorithms search for anything negative and they shut them down if they are on a Google platform service.

Stay With Us As We Report on The Google Atrosity

Hardrider was using Google Blogger, and Google did not like some of our posts, so they shut down our blog. They did not even tell us what we did wrong, just to say we were not following their content guidelines. In further searches we found that this is becoming a huge issue with Google. They are shutting down YouTubers, Gmail Accounts and many others for the very simplest of reasons. And with no way to get stored information back. All that material you have been inputting for years GONE! So backup anything Google quickly. We are going to cover some of that nacissistic Google over control in this column, free from Google shutdowns and your private information lockouts.

Further, if you do researches on some of the reasons for shutdowns, its shocking. With Gmail for instance, using more than two attachments per email, more than two images, or using caps in the subject line will get you shut down. Youtubers are being shut out of Youtube with thousands of videos and content...GONE and Google does not give a reason other than to say, you are not following content guidelines.

We Join the Millions of Google Haters

Trying to get back into your account is an almost impossible nightmare and in many cases impossible. All form driven, no one to call. And in the case of being locked out of your Gmail account after trying countless times to reverify, they want to send you a text but then tell you that the number used, has been used too many times and you need a new number. It's true, they want you to get a new cell number. The audacity. Bottom line, after much time and effort you will find that its impossible to get back, and again...your information is GONE. So backup your data now. Also know this, a shut down from one Google product is a shut down of all Google products. Does anyone really want to do business with that kind of OCD behaviour? Start using alternatives.

Unfortunately for us our blog (after years of input), while backed up, would not import into this new blog, so we are starting from scratch. Fortunately our Gmail backup did work and so we were lucky to have backups before Google shut us down.

So many really innocent people and businesses suffer from this Google Abuse. Sad!

However here we are starting a "New HardRider Blog", with years of information from our previous Google Blog axed by Google for no reason at all... maybe they don't like motorcycles.

Dark Blog from HardRider
World, Local, Tyranny, Dark Pharma, Webtech, De-Google, Money, more
Email: | Web:
Private Browsers: DuckDuckGo, Qwant Or SearX
Private Operating Systems: Linux or Tails
Private Cloud Servers: Skiff, Mega, pCloud, Proton, Sync, Tresorit
Alternative to YouTube: Rumble, Odysee, Dailymotion
Dump the Sim in Your Cellphone | Webtech Shows How
Dump Googlemaps | Use AppleMaps, Osmand or OrganicMaps


1. On Friday, March 29 2024, 22:24 by Cindy Haines

Great article. Someone has to bring this information to light and to the attention of Google users. Too many people are afraid of being shut down by google if they say anything. So thank goodness for the people at Darkblog, really like it.
I know so many people that speak out on topics and have had to go underground because Google has shut them down and the information and articles they worked so hard on. I know a person that kept all their contact info in Gmail, and when Google shut them down, all their passwords and critical information was gone.
I could see if Google would not allow them to send mail, but to entirely shut down their access to the account and the information kept in their Contacts seem entirely ILLEGAL to me.

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