Corruption is Everywhere - But Listen to This Published Doctor

Corruption is Everywhere - But Listen to This Published Doctor
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I knew the fear and hysteria were being generated by the news media "superspreaders" and that this was a pandemic of a faux PCR test back in March of 2020. The democide (government ordered murder) that occurred in hospitals and nursing homes behind closed doors and without witnesses for an illness these innocent patients and residents did not have were needed to keep the fear, hysteria and anxiety on-going, to generate large covid money payouts and to usher in the EUA Trial. All crimes against humanity with no end in sight. We The People are expendable and fund our own extermination. We cannot vote our way out of tyranny... Bring back firing squads and public hangings, grab our torches and deliver up justice for the millions of loved ones that our government (and its many players) snuffed out in their latest money laundering scheme aka a behavioral modification exercise in control, compliance, and conformity...

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1. On Friday, March 29 2024, 22:17 by Sammy

This will go down in history as the greatest, boldest move that the pharma industry concocted to hoodwink the entire world. Very little testing and more deaths from vaccine ractions than covid itself. The design was to make the pharma industry rich beyond comprehension and get rid of the senior population.

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